The Race

Feet placed at the starting line,

awaiting with burning anticipation

for the crack of the gun.

Suit and tie, breifcase in hand,

or maybe a young heart searching for that chance to shine.

It Does not matter what walk of life you started,

what level of acumen one has

or what their goals are.

The race controls the ambition.

The race controls the direction.

Pow! another day begins,

Each racer plotting thier next step

How to be faster, stronger, smarter, or more qualified than the next.

It does not mater what they desire,

or who stands in their way

be it friend or foe

The race controls the decisions.

The race becomes an obsession.

Minutes, hours,days, months and years

all will pass till some become exhausted,

through life, death or the realization that

It does not matter how fast you run,

or how many you have passed along the way,

Whether you’re in the lead or far behind.

The race is a tedious effort.

The race is a never ending endeavor.

The race will leave you empty and weathered.



Attempting to burn through the mind and soul

he takes a might grip on the feet of dreams

never relinquishing the fiery grip


Many efforts, he will make

to drag you into darkness

yet the strong willed still stand

ambitions in hand

to continue to fight another day

pushing forward


Adversity continues to try

to pull us into the worst of ourselves

to vanquish our will,

become undone


Adversity may come

but I will never succumb